FIRE SAFETY – Key changes coming in 2022

FIRE SAFETY – Key changes coming in 2022

A new version of BS 9991 Fire Safety in residential buildings is due to be published in late summer / autumn 2022.

The draft has substantial and wide-ranging updates, amendments and new clauses across all elements of the standard.

Some key changes to the revised proposed BS 9991:

The introduction of guidance for Evac lift and lobby design and specification

Reduction in height threshold for non-combustible A1/A2 external wall build ups to 11m

Introduction of evacuation alert systems to BS 8629:2019 for buildings over 18m

Clarification on open plan kitchens

Revision to open plan design

Clarification and amendments to smoke ventilation requirements

Update to sprinkler requirements including reduction in height threshold to 11m

Get in contact for further details.


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